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Saturday, December 31, 2011


HAPPY NEW YEAR 2012 to all in the world!

Pulau Berasap Mendadak Muncul di Laut Merah

Pada 19 Desember, terlihat lava yang muncrat. Empat hari kemudian, muncul pulau baru.

VIVAnews - Keajaiban terjadi di Laut Merah, teluk di sebelah barat Jazirah Arab yang memisahkan benua Asia dengan Afrika. Teluk ini memiliki penghuni baru: sebuah pulau berasap.

Pulau yang muncul tiba-tiba itu tercipta dari sebuah erupsi yang terjadi di Laut Merah awal bulan ini. Terbentuk dari material vulkanik letusan. Jadi pulau itu bisa jadi tak akan bertahan lama.

Menurut laporan, nelayan menjadi saksi semburan lava setinggi 30 meter pada 19 Desember 2011. Menurut vulkanolog dari Denison University in Granville, Ohio, Erik Klemetti, saat itu diperkirakan sebagai hari di mana letusan bermula.

Abu terlihat memancar dari lokasi tersebut pada 20 dan 22 Desember 2011, yang terpantau dari instrumen Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer (MODIS) yang terpasang di Satelit Terra dan Aqua milik Badan Antariksa AS, NASA.

Sementara, instrumen monitor ozon dari satelit Aura NASA mendeteksi peningkatan kadar sulfur dioksida, yang menjadi salah satu bukti terjadinya letusan. Lalu, pada 23 Desember 2011, apa yang terlihat seperti pulau baru terlihat di Laut Merah di perairan Yaman.

"Saya terkejut, pulau itu tumbuh dengan cepat," kata Klemetti, kepada situs sains Our Amazing Planet.

Aktivitas vulkanik terjadi di sepanjang Zubair Group, kumpulan pulau-pulau kecil yang membentang di sepanjang barat laut dan tenggara. Pulau baru tersebut terbentuk adalah tipe perisai, semacam gunung yang terbentuk dari lelehan lava, dan muncul ke atas permukaan laut.

Para ilmuwan kini mengawasi pulau tersebut, untuk melihat sejauh mana daya tahannya.

"Banyak pulau semacam itu tak bertahan lama, sebab mereka terbentuk dari material vulkanik. Jadi, mereka bisa hancur oleh gelombang besar," kata Klemetti.

Ini bukan satu-satunya pulau baru yang terbentuk, Pulau lain yang tita-tiba muncul adalah Surtsey off, Islandia, Anak Krakatau di kaldera Gunung Krakatau, dan Hunga Tonga-Hunga Ha `apai di Tonga di Pasifik Selatan.

Kontraktor Tiongkok Garap Tol Medan-Kualanamu

Kontraktor Tiongkok Garap Tol Medan-Kualanamu

JAKARTA - BUMN PT Hutama Karya dan kontraktor asal Tiongkok memperoleh kontrak pengerjaan proyek tol Medan-Kualanamu sepanjang 17,8 kilometer, dengan total investasi Rp 1,35 triliun. Proyek tersebut ditargetkan selesai dibangun dalam 900 hari. 
Direktur Jenderal Bina Marga Kementerian Pekerjaan Umum (PU) Djoko Murjanto berharap, pembangunan tol Medan-Kualanamu berdampak positif untuk mendukung Masterplan Percepatan dan Perluasan Pembangunan Ekonomi Indonesia (MP3EI). "Saya berharap, proyek jalan tol ini segera di-laksanakan dengan baik, sesuai kualitas, kuantitas, dan waktu yang telah dijadwalkan," kata dia di Jakarta, Senin (12/12). 
Tol Medan-Kualanamu ini konstruksinya akan dikerjakan kontraktor Tiongkok dengan joint operation bersama PT Hutama Karya (persero). Kontraktor asing itu adalah China Harbour Engineering Co Ltd dan China State Construction Engineering Co Ltd. 
Ia memaparkan, jalan tol tersebut pembangunannya direncanakan memakan waktu 900 hari kerja, dengan biaya Rp 1,3 triliun. Dana berasal dari anggaran pendapatan dan belanja negara (APBN) RI serta pinjaman dari Export Import Bank of China.

Tol ini merupakan bagian dari ruas tol Medan-Kualanamu Tebing Tinggi sepanjang 60 kilometer. Tol Medan-Kualanamu terdiri atas dua seksi, yakni Seksi I sepanjang 10,75 kilometer dan II sepanjang 7,05 kilometer. Jalan tersebut menggunakan konstruksi rigid pavement dan flexible pavement, yang terdiri atas dua lajur dan dua jalur. 
Perwakilan kontraktor asal Tiongkok bernama Shen Chao menegaskan, pihaknya siap mengerjakan proyek tol tersebut sesuai rencana. Ia optimistis kerja sama kontraktor Tiongkok dan Indonesia ini berjalan dengan baik. 
"Proyek pembangunan jalan tol Medan-Kualanamu bisa terlaksana dengan baik dan selesai tepat waktu. Segala kendala yang mungkin dihadapi kontraktor dalam melaksanakan proyek diharapkan tertangani dengan baik," imbuhnya. 
Setelah ditandatanganinya kontrak pengerjaan proyek tersebut, Djoko berharap pinjaman dari Tiongkok segera cair. Dengan demikian, kontraktor bisa bekerja dengan baik di lapangan. 
"Pembebasan lahan dan proses persetujuan pinjaman luar negeri harus dilakukan secara paralel, karena keduanya sama-sama sangat penting," tuturnya. 
Setelah groundbreaking atau di-rnulainya konstruksi tolMedan-Kualarnanu, Djoko berharap investor tertarik untuk rnenggarap ke¬lanjutan jalan tol tersebut, yakni tol Kualanarnu-Lubuk Pakarn-Tebing Tinggi. Investor ini bisa berasal dari Tiongkok rnaupun dalarn negeri.

Februari 2011 
Direktur Wilayah I Ditjen Bina Marga Kementerian PU Asep Sudrajat memperkirakan, ground-breaking proyek dimulai pada Februari 2011. Saat ini, pemerintah masih menunggu finalisasi pinjaman dan pemerintah Tiongkok untuk membiayai proyek yang nantinya menghubungkan ke wilayah Bandara Kualanamu. 
"Saat ini masih finalisasi pinjaman dan setelah itu kami langsung melakukan groundbreaking. Sedangkan masa pembangunannya mencapai dua tahun lebih," ujarnya. 
Direktur Utama PT Jasa Marga (persero) Tbk Frans Setyaki Sunito mengatakan sebelumnya, pihaknya meminati jalan tol Medan-Kualanamu-Tebing Tinggi sepanjang 60 kilometer. Operator jalan tol terbesar di Indonesia itu sedang mengkaji kelayakan tol tersebut. 
"Kami mengkaji dulu apakah ruas tol itu feasible (layak) atau tidak untuk dikerjakan. Selain itu, kami juga akan melihat berapa persen dukungan pemerintah terhadap ruas tol tersebut. Kalau memang layak, kami tentu akan ikut tender," kata Frans Sunito. 
la menjelaskan, tol Medan-Kualanamu-Tebing Tinggi itu akan terkoneksi dengan tol Balmera (Medan) yang saat ini sudah beroperasi. Bila pembangunan ruas tol tersebut jadi dikerjakan Jasa Marga, jalan tol di Medan yang dimilikinya akan bertambah panjang. 
"Ya, kami memang mengincar ruas tol baru yang terkoneksi dengan jalan tol Jasa Marga," kata dia.

Rencana Pembangunan Ruas Tol Medan-Kualanamu
Panjang : 17,8 kilometer
Investasi : 1,35 triliun
Konstruksi : 900 hari
Jumlah lajur : 2x2
Kecepatan maksimal : 100 km/jam
Volume lalu lintas : 12.568 kendaraan/hari

Kontraktor : China Harbour Engineering Co Ltd; China State Construction Engineering Co Ltd; PT Hutama Karya

Sumber: badan Pengatur Jalan Tol (BPJT)

Pertamina Pasok Avtur Garuda di 5 Negara

Lima negara di kawasan Asia itu yaitu Singapura, Kuala Lumpur, Bangkok, Hongkong & Dubai.

VIVAnews - PT Pertamina (Persero) sokong pasokan Bahan Bakar Minyak (BBM) pesawat (avtur) milik PT Garuda Indonesia di lima negara di kawasan Asia yaitu Singapura, Kuala Lumpur, Bangkok, Hongkong dan Dubai.

Direktur Pemasaran dan Niaga Pertamina Ahmad Faisal menuturkan, dalam mendukung pasokan Garuda tersebut perseroan bekerja sama dengan pendistribusi avtur lokal yang berada di negara-negara tersebut.

"Seperti di Hongkong, kami bekerja sama dengan World Wide Fuel. Nanti, mereka yang akan mengisi avtur untuk Garuda," ujar dia usai penandatanganan perjanjian jual beli avtur di Kantor Pertamina Pusat Jakarta, Rabu, 17 Februari 2010.

Faisal menambahkan, kerja sama dengan Garuda tersebut akan terjalin dalam jangka waktu dua tahun dari 21 April 2009 hingga 2011. "Tadi, pak Ari bilang, kalau service kami bagus kenapa tidak forever," kata dia.
Terkait mekanisme pembayaran, menurut dia, Garuda akan membayar ke Pertamina, kemudian nanti baru dibayarkan ke provider tersebut.

Pada kesempatan yang sama, Direktur Operasi Garuda Indonesia Ari Sapari mengatakan pada 2009 lalu, terealisasi konsumsi 1 miliar liter avtur. Di mana, 65 persen pasokan berasal dari Pertamina. "Dengan adanya kerja sama ini bisa ditingkatkan 70-80 persen," tuturnya.

Tahun 2012, NTT Kembangkan Tiga Bandara

KUPANG, ITM- Tahun 2012 mendatang, tiga bandar udara (bandara) yang ada di Nusa Tenggara Timur (NTT) akan dikembangkan untuk mendukung pembangunan pariwisata di provinsi ini.

Tiga bandara itu adalah Bandara El Tari di Kupang untuk wilayah Timor, Bandara Tambolaka untuk Pulau Sumba, dan Surabaya II di Mbay untuk Flores dan Lembata. Dengan begitu, diharapkan wisatawan mancanegara yang datang menggunakan pesawat khusus bisa langsung ke Kupang atau ke Sumba, tidak harus melalui Subaraya atau Bali terlebih dahulu.

Menurut Kepala Bidang Perhubungan Udara Dinas Perhubungan Provinsi Nusa Tenggara Timur Donatus Dita Mete di Kupang, Rabu (28/12), pembenahan infrastruktur ini akan mulai direalisasi tahun 2012, menyusul peningkatan kunjungan wisatawan ke NTT pascapenetapan Komodo sebagai salah satu keajaiban dunia.

Dikatakan, Bandara Tambolaka akan diperpanjang dari 2.000 meter menjadi 2.500 meter atau sama dengan Bandara El Tari Kupang. Tujuannya agar pesawat berbadan lebar seperti Boeing bisa mendarat di Tambolaka tanpa harus melewati Bandara El Tari Kupang.

Bandara Surabaya II di Mbay akan dikembangkan secara bertahap hingga panjang landasan pacu menjadi 2.500 meter untuk melayani para pengguna transportasi udara dari dan ke Pulau Flores.

Sedangkan, Bandara El Tari Kupang akan dilakukan pengembangan pada beberapa bagian di antaranya ruangan tunggu dan kedatangan serta perluasan tempat parkir pesawat (apron)

Ini Dia Bandara Paling Banyak Delay se-Dunia

JAKARTA, ITM- Lets Fly Cheaper (LFC) mengompilasi “bandara paling buruk se-dunia”, sebuah daftar bandara internasional dandomestik yang memiliki catatan paling buruk dalam urusan delay penerbangan. Bandara mana saja?

Menurut Direktur Marketing LFC Ramon Van Meer, pekan ini, daftar ini dikeluarkan terkait kepentingan para kostumer mereka, yang umumnya melakukan perjalanan untuk tujuan bisnis, dan bagi perusahaan mereka yang memiliki spesialisasi dalam memberikan kostumer harga yang paling baik saat ini.

“Saat ini yang menjadi perhatian para pelaku perjalanan adalah mereka mengatur penerbangan saat ini, bukan 11 bulan lalu. Konsern paling utama mereka adalah ketepatan waktu. Itu juga alasannya LFC memfokuskan diri pada urusan delays, bukan amenitas bandara. Data kami berdasarkan statistic bulan Desember 2011 saja. Ini memberikan kami fleksibilitas jika mempublikasikannya secara bulanan,” kata Van Meer.

Berikut adalah daftar 10 bandara terburuk berdasarkan delay saat keberangkatan, lima kategori bandara internasional dan lima lagi bandara domestic di Amerika Serikat.

International Airports:
1. Capital International, Beijing (jumlah delay: 12.864)
2. Changi, Singapura (jumlah delay: 7.428)
3. Charles De Gaulle, Paris (jumlah delay: 6.731)
4. Madrid-Barajas, Madrid (jumlah delay: : 5.448)
5. Pu Dong, Shanghai (jumlah delay: 5.175)

Domestic Airports:

1. Dallas/Ft. Worth International (jumlah delay: 7.231)
2. O’Hare, Chicago (jumlah delay: 6.817)
3. Hartsfield-Jackson, Atlanta (jumlah delay: 5.472)
4. Denver International, Denver (jumlah delay: 5.300)
5. George Bush Intercontinental, Houston (jumlah delay: 4.919 )

Garuda Targetkan 22 Juta Penumpang dan Buka Rute India dan Taipei

JAKARTA, ITM- Tahun 2012, maskapai penerbangan Garuda Indonesia menargetkan jumlah penumpang mencapai 22 juta orang atau meningkat dari tahun 2011 yang diprediksi mencapai 17 juta orang. Garuda juga akan melakukan penambahan tiga destinasi, yaitu satu ke Taipei dan dua ke India.

Hingga kuartal III tahun ini, emiten Bursa Efek Indonesia (BEI) berkode saham GIAA ini berhasil membukukan laba bersih Rp308,61 miliar atau tumbuh 57,81 persen dibandingkan periode yang sama tahun sebelumnya sebesar Rp195,55 miliar.

Pertumbuhan laba bersih tersebut dipacu oleh meningkatnya pendapatan usaha perseroan sebesar 42,8 persen menjadi Rp18,11 triliun pada kuartal III-2011, dibandingkan dengan periode yang sama 2010 senilai Rp12,68 triliun.

Menurut Direktur Keuangan GIAA, Elisa Lumbantoruan di Jakarta, pekan ini, kenaikan jumlah penumpang tersebut selain ditopang adanya penambahan armada baru, juga didukung oleh rencana penambahan destinasi regional yang akan dibuka pada 2012.

Pada tahun depan, perseroan juga berencana melakukan penambahan armada pesawat sebanyak 21 unit, antara lain untuk penambahan pesawat Garuda sebanyak 11 unit dan unit usaha, Citilink, sebanyak 10 unit pesawat.

"Untuk Citilink, komposisi pesawat semuanya Airbus, sedangkan untuk Garuda akan ada dua unit Airbus 330 dan sisanya Boeing," terangnya.

Selain itu, melihat kebutuhan rute pada tahun depan perseroan berencana memperpadat frekuensi penerbangan, contohnya rute Jakarta-Shanghai yang saat ini baru lima kali sepekan akan dibuat menjadi harian.

"Masih ada beberapa rute lainnya yang akan kita buat jadi penerbangan harian, kemudian ada penambahan frekuensi di rute-rute yang sudah ada, di mana sekali sehari menjadi dua kali sehari," katanya

Garuda buka rute baru Medan dan 5 kota pada 2012

SAMOSIR: Sumatra Utara: Garuda Indonesia membuka rute penerbangan baru Medan dan lima kota pada 2012, yaitu Medan-Ujung Pandang, Medan-Pekanbaru, Medan-Denpasar, dan Medan-Surabaya, dan Medan-Bandung.

Pembukaan rute baru itu dilakukan menyusul peningkatan permintaan penerbangan ke Medan, khususnya untuk kunjungan pariwisata. Selama ini, untuk penumpang pesawat dari sejumlah kota itu, harus melalui Jakarta untuk mencapai Medan, demikian juga sebaliknya. 

“Tahun depan kami akan buka rute baru Medan,” ujar Elisa Lumbantoruan, Direktur Keuangan Garuda Indonesia kepada Bisnis di sela-sela acara Fun Bike Pesta Danau Toba 2011, pekan ini (Rabu, 28 Desember). 

Rute baru ini, ujarnya, diproyeksikan akan sangat mendukung kemajuan wisata di Sumut. Dia menyebutkan program yang sama telah dilakukan di Lombok dengan membuka rute baru Ujung Pandang-Singapura.

Selain membuka rute baru, paparnya, pihaknya juga akan menambah penerbangan Medan-Singapura. Dia berharap Bandara Kuala Namu dapat segera beroperasi, sehingga dapat mendukung kegiatan ekonomi dan pariwisata di Sumut.

Lebih jauh, dia menyebutkan Garuda Indonesia aktif mempromosikan Danau Toba sebagai tujuan wisata untuk menarik minat turis, baik domestik maupun manca negara, berkunjung ke Sumatra Utara.

“Danau Toba merupakan objek wisata yang mampu dijual karena memiliki pemandangan yang sangat indah, etnis masyarakatnya yang unik, sehingga dapat menarik wisatawan,” ujar Elisa Lumbantoruan.

Salah satu cara perusahaan mempromosikan objek wisata Danau Toba adalah dengan menggelar kegiatan bersepeda santai di Pulau Samosir pada Rabu (28 Desember) untuk kedua kalinya, setelah September 2011.

Kegiatan Fun Bike Pesta Danau Toba 2011 digelar berkerjasama dengan Garuda Group Cycling Community (GGCC). Acara ini diselenggarakan untuk memperkenalkan daerah-daerah wisata yang ada di Sumatra Utara. Upaya sejenis juga dilakukan di lokasi wisata daerah lain.

Iran Tolak Isi Bahan Bakar Pesawat Asing

TEHERAN, KOMPAS.com - Iran menolak mengisi bahan bakar pesawat dari beberapa maskapai penerbangan asal negara-negara Eropa dan Arab di bandar udara utamanya di Teheran.

Menurut Kepala Bandara Internasional Imam Khomeini Morteza Dehgan, Sabtu (31/12/2011), perintah pelarangan pengisian bahan bakar itu datang langsung dari pemerintah sebagai langkah pembalasan setelah pesawat-pesawat Iran tidak boleh mengisi bahan bakar di beberapa bandara Eropa.

"Sebagai langkah balasan, kami tidak memberi bahan bakar kepada pesawat-pesawat milik maskapai negara-negara yang tak mau memberi bahan bakar kepada maskapai kami," tutur Dehgan, yang tak menyebutkan kapan keputusan itu akan mulai dijalankan dan maskapai mana saja yang menjadi sasaran.

Oktober lalu, Kementerian Luar Negeri Iran mengancam akan membalas langkah beberapa perusahaan minyak Eropa yang menolak mengisi bahan bakar pesawat-pesawat Iran saat transit di Eropa. Menurut Kemenlu Iran, langkah itu adalah pelanggaran hukum internasional.

Langkah beberapa negara Eropa itu diikuti beberapa bandara di negara-negara Teluk Persia dan Asia barat daya. Dua maskapai utama Iran, Iran Air dan Mahan Air menjadi target pelarangan itu.

Bantah tembakkan rudal
Sementara itu dalam perkembangan lainnya, petinggi Angkatan Laut Iran membantah kabar bahwa pihaknya telah menguji coba rudal darat-ke-laut jarak jauh di sela-sela latihan militer yang sedang digelar di sekitar Selat Hormuz, Sabtu pagi.

Sebelumnya, kantor berita Fars dari Iran melaporkan, militer Iran telah menembakkan rudal dengan amunisi hidup di kawasan latihan seluas 2.000 kilometer persegi yang terletak di antara Selat Hormuz dan Laut Oman.

"Peluncuran roket (rudal) ini baru akan dilakukan beberapa hari mendatang," tutur Laksamana Muda Mahmoud Mousavi kepada Press TV, Iran. Tidak dijelaskan mengapa uji coba rudal ini ditunda.

Iran menggelar latihan perang laut besar-besaran sejak 24 Desember yang akan berlangsung selama 10 hari.

Friday, December 30, 2011

Jetstar boosts holiday services

Jetstar has added a series of extra flights to international resort destinations for the upcoming festive holiday season. Between 23 December 2011 and 31 January 2012, Jetstar will offer almost 28,000 extra seats to and from Phuket, Bali and Honolulu - 40% more than the same peak period last year.

The low-cost carrier’s daily Sydney-Bali route will see the addition of two extra weekly flights from Thursday 22 December, while three extra weekly flights will be added to the Melbourne-Bali route, taking total seasonal frequency to 10 weekly flights.

In Thailand, Jetstar’s Sydney-Phuket route will rise from four to five weekly flights - the same rate of increase as the airline’s Melbourne-Bangkok flights. Finally, Sydney-Honolulu services will be boosted from daily to nine weekly flights.

The increased schedule has been possible following the delivery of the airline’s 11th wide-body Airbus A330 in late November. The LCC will also be offering iPads to passengers from December.

“Australians are continuing to travel overseas in record numbers and industry estimates suggest this will grow by 11% to 4.7 million this calendar year,” said Jetstar Australia & NZ CEO, David Hall. “We are seeing strong increases in demand to Indonesia, Hawaii and Thailand, which are now the second, third and fourth most popular international destinations for Australians respectively.”

Oman Air opens new Bangkok business class lounge

THAILAND-Oman Air has unveiled its new business class lounge at Suvarnabhumi Airport in Bangkok.

The lounge, located at the second floor junction between concourses G and E of the International terminal, serves the airline's passengers flying in first and business class and can hold up to 40 people.

Its premium class passengers can make use of the business centre with private work stations, which is equipped with free broadband and wifi.

Hot and cold snacks, comprising traditional Arabic and Oriental dishes, are prepared under the direction of the chef of the Dusit Thani Hotel Bangkok, and passengers can order juices, hot beverages and drinks from a bar.

The lounge, which has a quiet area for those with longer connections, also contains satellite TV and local and international newspapers and magazines.

It retains many of the features of its flagship lounge which opened in Muscat in January.

The January-February edition of Business Traveller Middle East contains a special report on Oman Air, the new Muscat International Airport and the latest developments in Oman's hospitality sector.

SkyTeam co-located check in at Beijing Capital International Airport

SkyTeam has unveiled its brand new check-in co-located area at Terminal 2 Beijing Capital International Airport.

The new facility brings together Air France, Aeroflot, Alitalia, China Eastern, China Southern, Delta Air Lines, Korean Air, KLM and Vietnam Airlines, as part of the global airline alliance’s efforts to collaborate in order to improve customer experience.

This is the first time that SkyTeam has operated out of a common location in China.

SkyTeam’s Beijing facility includes 50 check-in desks, with a further ten self-service kiosks available by the end of the year.

Premium passengers benefit from dedicated check-in counters.

“The co-location of SkyTeam carriers worldwide is an integral part of our strategy as it offers tangible benefits to both our customers and our members,” said Gordon Humpherys, SkyTeam’s vice president of Airport Services.

“With so many SkyTeam members serving Beijing, the shared facility strengthens our brand in this region and makes travelling through the airport easier for passengers, while enabling airlines to realize a number of important synergies.”

VietJet Air receives first Airbus A320-200

VIETNAM-VietJet Air, the private airline, has recently received the first out of three Airbus A320-200 aircraft at the Tan Son Nhat International Airport.

As a budget carrier, the airline decided to use the Airbus A320-200 with 180 seats to save fuel and repair costs as well as provide high-quality flights to passengers, said Pritam Singh, Vice-Chairman of the VietJet Air.

The airline will receive two more aircraft in the upcoming days to start operating its domestic flights between Hanoi and Ho Chi Minh City on December 25th, and plans to add 3-5 aircraft each year to its fleet for more flights on international and local routes.

Delta Air Lines expecting to report near $1bn profit for 2011

AMERICA-Delta Air Lines has confirmed it expects to report profits of as much as $1.1 billion for 2011 and remain solidly profitable into 2012.

Deductions from special items could move the figure closer to $800 million the Atlanta-based carrier said in a filing today.

Delta has earned $429 million during the first nine months of 2011.

Addressing the annual investor conference in New York, Delta chief executive Richard Anderson said the carrier would be profitable in 2012 even as fuel prices remain higher than historic averages

Air China launches direct rotations Beijing – Lhasa

CHINA-Air China officially launched direct daily rotations between Beijing and Lhasa on December 15, the first time that direct scheduled flights between the two cities are available.

Air China uses its A319s which have been retrofitted to acclimatize to the plateau conditions on the route. The crew has rich experiences of flying over the Roof of the World. The flights are operated on a daily basis and the flight numbers are CA4125/6. One journey takes just 4 hours, which means the flight takes 2 hours less than the previous one that had to stop over in the city of Chengdu. For the time being, the service is the only non-stop flight between the two cities. In high season, Air China will use larger Airbus330 aircraft on the route.

Air China has been actively involved in promoting the formation of the air transport network serving Tibet and helping further the progress of the autonomous region in areas of economy, culture and tourism. Now, Air China offers flights between Beijing, Chengdu, Chongqing and Kathmandu (the capital of Nepal) and Tibet where Lhasa, Linzhi and Bangda are served. Factor in the direct rotations introduced on December 15, and Air China now operates over 100 flights a week into and out of Tibet. The introduction of the new rotations gives travelers more travel options and will play an instrumental role in bringing more travelers to Tibet and thusly promoting local economic growth.

LOT: 20% discount program for flights from Hanoi to Europe offered

LOT Polish Airlines is offering an attractive discount return ticket departing from Hanoi to Poland and Europe, from December 15th to January 31st at VND 5,888 million from Hanoi to Poland or Europe.

Passengers can buy these promotion tickets online either at website: www.lot.com or at various LOT airlines agent in Hanoi, or just call to LOT office in Hanoi.

LOT Polish Airlines, one of the oldest airlines in the world, has been a great bridge between Poland and the world since 1992. At present, LOT has flights to over 50 cities in Europe, North America and Asia.

Air China launches direct Beijing-Lhasa flights

CHINA - Air China officially launched direct daily rotations between Beijing and Lhasa on December 15, the first time that direct scheduled flights between the two cities are available.

Air China uses its A319s which have been retrofitted to acclimatize to the plateau conditions on the route. The crew has rich experiences of flying over the Roof of the World. The flights are operated on a daily basis and the flight numbers are CA4125/6. One journey takes just 4 hours, which means the flight takes 2 hours less than the previous one that had to stop over in the city of Chengdu. For the time being, the service is the only non-stop flight between the two cities. In high season, Air China will use larger Airbus330 aircraft on the route.

Air China has been actively involved in promoting the formation of the air transport network serving Tibet and helping further the progress of the autonomous region in areas of economy, culture and tourism. Now, Air China offers flights between Beijing, Chengdu, Chongqing and Kathmandu (the capital of Nepal) and Tibet where Lhasa, Linzhi and Bangda are served. Factor in the direct rotations introduced on December 15, and Air China now operates over 100 flights a week into and out of Tibet. The introduction of the new rotations gives travelers more travel options and will play an instrumental role in bringing more travelers to Tibet and thusly promoting local economic growth.

Etihad starts Dusseldorf flights

UAE-Etihad Airways has started four-a-week direct flights between Abu Dhabi and Düsseldorf.

The business-focused route - set to go daily next April - sees EY23 depart Abu Dhabi at 0205, landing in Dusseldorf at 0625, with EY24 departing the German city at 1100, arriving in Abu Dhabi 2025. These flights operate on Mondays and Fridays.

Scheduled on Tuesdays and Saturdays, EY25 departs Abu Dhabi at 0900, arriving in Dusseldorf 1320, with EY26 departing Dusseldorf 2130 and arriving in Abu Dhabi 0655 (next day). The route is being served by a three-class A330-300 with eight Diamond first class seats and 32 seats in Pearl business class.

Speaking in Düsseldorf, Etihad Airways' Chief Commercial Officer, Peter Baumgartner said it has carried more than 1.7 million passengers to and from Germany since it started flights to Munich in 2004, and now operates 25 weekly services to Düsseldorf, Frankfurt and Munich.

"Düsseldorf was a logical step in growing our European passenger operations," he said. "By growing direct point-to-point traffic between the two cities, we also look forward to strengthening business and leisure ties between the capital of the UAE and Germany."

Thai Airways wins Best Airline in Southeast Asia

THAILAND-On December 1, 2011, Thai Airways International (THAI) accepted the award as the Best Airline in Southeast Asia at Global Traveler Magazine’s 2011 GT Tested Awards.

For the eighth consecutive year, Global Traveler Magazine conducted its GT Tested Reader Survey, asking frequent business and luxury travelers to name the best in a variety of travel-related categories. More than 36,000 people responded.

"It is a great honor to be given this award and to be recognized by our customers as the Best Airline in Southeast Asia. Our goal is to provide excellent service and to continue to find ways to enhance customer experience,” said Thai Airways’ General Manager, USA, Central and South America, Mr. Sutsveta Svetasobhana.

“We are excited to announce the eighth annual GT Tested Reader Survey award results,” said Francis X. Gallagher, publisher and CEO of Global Traveler. “We received more than 36,000 responses this year, which is staggering. And, our readers know the best; the 2011 winners were truly chosen by the cream of the crop. Congratulations to all the winners. The companies topping our list this year are the very best of the best.”

THAI has an extensive worldwide network, servicing over 70 destinations in 36 countries and five continents. They are the fastest service from the USA to Southeast Asia with daily nonstop flights from Los Angeles to Bangkok. THAI offers exceptional service with quicker connections to destinations within domestic Thailand, Burma, Cambodia, Laos, Vietnam, Malaysia, Brunei, Singapore, and the Philippines.

Qatar Airways starting fifth daily Heathrow flight

QATAR-Qatar Airways is to introduce a fifth daily flight between Doha and London Heathrow from the start of the Northern Summer schedules on March 25 next year.

QR075 will depart Doha at 0635 and arrive London Heathrow at 1200, with QR076 departing Heathrow at 1600, arriving Doha at 0050 the next day.

The additional service, served by a B777 with 42 business class seats, takes route capacity up from 28 to 35 flights each week.

Flight times have been scheduled to dovetail with the carrier’s Asia Pacific network.

Qatar Airways CEO Akbar Al Baker said the additional capacity reflected the growing importance of London to the airline's international operations and would also help meet demand for the Olympics taking place next summer.

"London has been one of our best-performing routes and it was only a matter of time before we could look at increasing frequency to meet the high demand," he said. "With the global spotlight also turning on London for next summer’s Olympics, we look forward to facilitating travel for sports lovers to what promises to be a great spectacle."

Vietnam Airlines to absorb budget carrier Jetstar

VIETNAM-Low-cost airline Jetstar Pacific will merge with national flag carrier Vietnam Airlines in the near future, according to deputy head of the Civil Aviation Administration of Vietnam (CAAV) Dinh Viet Thang.

The move is considered the most feasible plan to save the carrier from bankruptcy.

The Ministry of Finance and the Ministry of Transport have agreed to the move, which is awaiting approval from the Prime Minister, said Thang during a briefing at the Ministry of Transport late last week.

Thang said that Jetstar Pacific was operated by the State Corporation for Investment and Capital (SCIC) for several years under a low-cost model but is now facing difficulties due to inefficient operation that has caused heavy losses. SCIC, which uses State capital to invest in business, is now the biggest shareholder in Jetstar Pacific.

Restructuring the company is essential, he said.

The Finance Ministry has kept the Prime Minister informed about the merger and participants at some recent Government meetings have outlined a number of different plans. The most effective plan is for the airline to transfer its capital to Vietnam Airlines, said Thang, adding that the timing of the merger will be decided by the Government.

Vietnam Airlines is the top carrier in the country with an 80 percent market share, while Jetstar is second with about 17 percent. Upon finalisation of the merger, Vietnam Airlines market share will increase to nearly 100 percent, Thang said.

This will be the first merger in the country's history of aviation, he said.

He acknowledged that Vietnam Airlines will gain a monopoly in the local market with the merger but said that even without the merger, the State owned airline already has a lion's share of the market.

However, he affirmed that the merger is not bad for the domestic airline market because the Government and the Ministry of Transport will continue to expand the market by allowing more private airlines to compete. He added that Vietjet Air began operating this month.

Air Astana offers Abu Dhabi - Dubai transportation

UAE-Air Astana’s Economy Class passengers arriving at Abu Dhabi airport can use a dedicated Air Astana coach transfer to central Dubai.

Passengers should contact ground staff on arrival and proceed to the arrivals lower level car park. The coaches will transport passengers to the Emirates and DNATA Building near the Clock Tower in central Dubai.

Economy Class passengers departing Abu Dhabi airport also have the use of a dedicated Air Astana coach transfer from central Dubai to Abu Dhabi Airport.

This service will depart from the Emirates and DNATA Building near the Clock Tower in central Dubai. Travellers should check with the airline for the most up to date schedule.

Business Class passengers are entitled to a private car transfer to and from Abu Dhabi Airport. This service must be pre-booked 72 hours ahead of travel.

American Airlines named Best Domestic First Class

AMERICA-American Airlines, a founding member of the oneworld® alliance, took home the top prize once again in Global Traveler magazine's GT Tested readers survey.

For the fifth year in a row, the readers of Global Traveler magazine have named American "Best Domestic First Class Airline." The oneworld alliance also earned top honors as "Best Airline Alliance" for the second consecutive year.

"American is committed to offering exceptional products in our premium class cabins and we're honored that our loyal customers have, once again, selected us for this award," said Rob Friedman, American's Vice President – Marketing. "Looking forward, we'll continue our focus on providing exceptional service and amenities to ensure all of our customers continue to receive the best possible travel experience."

The annual GT Tested Awards program surveyed more than 35,000 business and leisure travelers with an open-ended reader survey to determine the best in business and luxury travel for 2011. The GT Tested Awards were presented on Dec. 1 in Los Angeles and are featured in the December issue of Global Traveler.

"Congratulations to American Airlines on its fifth consecutive win," said Francis X. Gallagher, publisher and CEO, Global Traveler. "American Airlines is one of the airlines we can always trust to find ranking on our reader survey and wine survey, and 2011 was no exception."

THAI ups Asia service

Thai Airways International will concentrate on resilient Asian markets lifting frequency on existing routes and opening new destinations.It will also introduce new in-flight products that will roll out during 2012 to improve competitive edge on European routes.

Thai Airways International president, Piyasvasti Amranand, told TTR Weekly on the sidelines of the Star Alliance  joining ceremony for Ethiopian Airlines, last week, that performance would improve in 2012 due to improved internal structures and a revised strategy.

“There are concerns. Oil prices remain high, Europe’s economy is in trouble, so we will move production more to Asia giving routes more frequency, upgrade to bigger aircraft and commence new destinations.

“Traffic from Asia was already buoyant before Bangkok was hit by floods. Demand has not fully recovered but I believe recovery will be fast. On some European routes we will try to maintain frequency, but  we will deploy smaller aircraft,” said Mr Piyasvasti.

Some changes have already occurred in Asia during the winter schedule such as increased services to Chengdu and Kunming, although the floods did force the airline to suspend expansion or reduce services in the short term.

During the crisis, THAI cancelled over 500 flights from November through mid-January when the normal winter schedule will resume. This caused a substantial drop in arrivals to Bangkok and knock-on effect on hotels bookings.

The severe flood washed away about 40% to 50% of the bookings, especially from Asia, costing THAI Bt3 billion in lost revenue right at the start of the high season. It will flatten the fourth quarter performance shaving the peaks of the winter season to almost the same level as the shoulder seasons.

But by the summer schedule 2012 the airline says it will recover production in Asia, increase frequency to secondary cities such as Bhusan in Korea and possibly intra-Asia sectors such as Bangkok-Hong Kong-Seoul, a service that was cut some years back when the airline concentrated on nonstop sectors.

“The revenue per passenger, per kilometre, on Asian routes is much higher than European routes. The yield on European routes is very low and after deducting fuel costs it cannot match Asia therefore it is reasonable that we shift production from Europe to Asia,” said the airline president.

Middle East carriers also cut into THAI’s yields on intercontinental routes. Even though THAI offers convenient nonstop flights from Bangkok, Middle East airlines can compete with the one-stop services through their home bases.

“The important change in 2012 will our shift to a high quality products. The most troublesome point on the competitive European routes  is that we do not have personal screens in economy cabins.

“New products will gradually roll out across Europe. Previously, first and business class on all European routes, except Paris, were doing fine, but the performance in economy class was poor because there were no personal screens.

“Now on the Frankfurt route, both flights now have personal screens on  the  B777-200ERs leased from Jet Airways and a retrofitted B747. London has retrofitted B747 and from mid-January, we will have a retrofitted Airbus 340-600 with superb products in all three classes. Therefore the main three cities will get competitive products especially economy class where we can still make a profit. By the end of 2012 all European flights will have the same standard product.”

There are 20 aircraft going through a retrofit programme; four are ready and 16 are due to be completed in 2012. The flood delayed retrofitting work at the Technical Department located at Don Mueang Airport.

“In Asia, our products are already good compared to other airlines, but it will be even better when new aircraft are delivered,” he said.

“We take delivery of an Airbus A330 in December and four next year; B777-300ER roll out from late next year (two from eight). Product quality will improve significantly next year.”
The first of six double-decker A380s will join the fleet in September 2012, and start serving Frankfurt, 1 December.

To improve revenue the airline will put more effort into transit traffic as this  was sidelined as the airline concentrated on selling Thailand. But this has turned out to be a risky policy due to the constant upheavals in the country and that are likely to continue in the future.

THAI executive vice president, commercial, Pandit Chanapai said: “During the past eight months, our transit traffic has shifted to Middle East airlines. For example, on the Kangaroo route (Australia-UK) travellers are stopping in Doha or Dubai instead of Bangkok.

“Our strategy is to develop regional transit routes where we have a strong network. We fly to six points in China, five in Japan, two in Korea. We will be increase frequency on secondary routes and offer transit through Bangkok.”

The ratio between passengers travelling solely to Thailand and connecting to other destinations should be 65/35, but it dropped to around 70/30. THAI aims to adjust the ratio to 60/40.

The airline will add more destinations to regional airports especially Phuket. It has already started a Copenhagen to Phuket and Seoul-Phuket service and this trend will continue.

“This strategy is to compete directly with charter flights. We will operate these flights seasonally. Next year we plan to operate nonstop flights from Stockholm to Phuket as well. By then, the Copenhagen service will be a roundtrip from Phuket, on both legs not just one as is the case now, but we will reduce the frequency from three to two and add another two from Stockholm,” said Mr Pandit.

Apart from Europe, THAI will add flights from India — Delhi and Mumbai to Phuket during next the high season.

From mid-2012, THAI will introduce the airline Thai Smile to serve domestic and regional routes that are not economical for THAI to operate with big aircraft and full service.

Mr Piyasvasti confirmed the joint venture with Thai Tiger was scrapped, but THAI still has a plan to set up an ultra low-cost carrier.

“THAI should be in every market segment… Not in 2012 … it will take time to set up, recruiting and buying aircraft…It is very late but still better late than never; otherwise, our market share will be eroded.”

In Q1 of 2012, advance bookings are already recovering after a disastrous Q4, which is normally the peak travel season to Thailand.

“For inbound traffic, we have never launched promotion in Q4 before, but we recently launched Thailand Plus, January through to March. So, we are confident bookings will recover soon,” added Mr Pandit.

Etihad Airways increases network size to 269 destinations

UAE-Etihad Airways has seen the total number of destinations it serves increase to 269, either directly or with partner airlines.
The news follows a recent deal with airberlin.

The announcement means Etihad Airways now offers guests a route network more than 80 destinations larger than that offered by any other Gulf carrier.

As part of its deal with airberlin, Etihad Airways will sign codeshare agreements with the airberlin group for all European activities including NIKI, the Austrian airline and Belair, the Swiss airline.

Etihad Airways chief executive, James Hogan, said: “Today more than ever, it is vital to think differently in this industry.

“The number of codeshare partners Etihad Airways has, and the number of destinations it is now able to serve, is a point of marked differentiation.

“The Gulf is increasingly the centre of the world in terms of aviation, and we are happy that with one booking we are able, either directly or with codeshare partners, to allow our guests to take full advantage of this geography.

“We will continue to look to strike codeshare agreements with carriers around the world where we feel it is to the advantage of our guests,” Hogan concluded.

Etihad is considered the World’s Leading Airline by the World Travel Awards.

Kiev-HCM City direct air route opens

VIETNAM-The first Kiev-HCM City direct air route was launched on December 23, announced the AeroSvit – Ukrainian Airlines.

Flights to Ho Chi Minh City will be operated on Wednesdays and Saturdays, and back to Kiev on Mondays and Fridays, using Boeing 767s.

The direct air route will cut travel time between the two cities to 10 hours.

The airlines will give a special offer for passengers flying from Vietnam to Ukraine and European cities with two-way ticket worth from US$590, including tax and other surcharges.
AeroSvit is conducting flights to 70 foreign destinations in Europe, Asia, Africa and North America.

Airberlin flies non-stop from Düsseldorf to Las Vegas

Airberlin is further expanding the flights it offers to North America and will fly non-stop from Düsseldorf to Las Vegas twice a week as of summer 2012.

With the new destination, airberlin passengers can now fly to a total of seven destinations in North America (New York, Miami, Fort Myers, Los Angeles, San Francisco, Las Vegas and Vancouver). This makes airberlin the main provider of non-stop flights to North America from Düsseldorf airport.

The first airberlin flight to the desert metropolis in the US State of Nevada will take off from Düsseldorf on 10th May 2012. The flight will be serviced on Thursdays and Sundays using an Airbus A330. The departure time in Düsseldorf is 13:55, landing in Las Vegas at 16:15.

The return flight to Düsseldorf will arrive at 13:30. Connecting flights to Düsseldorf are available from six German airports and from Austria, Switzerland, Copenhagen and Milan. As the departure and arrival times are in the middle of the day, the new flight is particularly attractive for airberlin passengers from the Netherlands as well.

AirAsia abolishes counter check-in fees for int. flights

AirAsia has abolished the counter check-in fees for all international flights throughout its route network. All bookings made today (22 December) onwards will be exempted from the RM10 per passenger for counter check-in.

The counter check-in fee was introduced by AirAsia in September, and guests were charged RM10 per passenger for the service instead of utilizing the free-of-charge self check-in options available via web, mobile or kiosks.

AirAsia has said that international passengers who have pre-paid the counter check-in fees from 21 September till 21 December 2011 can obtain a credit shell by contacting customer care via an e-form on the airline’s website.

The check-in fee currently remains for AirAsia’s domestic flights.

 “AirAsia will no longer charge the RM10 counter check-in fees for all our guests departing on international flights. This move is part of our continuous effort to reduce the cost of traveling for all our guests, especially with the recent hike of passenger service charge for international travellers. With the abolishment of counter check-in fees for international destinations, guests can now go directly to the check-in counters for check-in. We will also continue to improve and innovate our check-in services,” said AirAsia Group Chief Executive Officer, Tan Sri Tony Fernandes.

“Of course, the self check-in options will still be made available for international flights to further enhance the travel experience and avoid congestions or long queues at the counters. We would still encourage all our guests to conduct self check-in, especially those without any check-in baggage, as well as guests traveling to domestic destinations.”

AirAsia has also recently reduced the processing fee for the usage of charge cards during flight booking from RM8 per guest per sector to only RM5 per guest per sector. Direct debit transaction remains free of charge with seven of AirAsia’s bank partners+ in Malaysia.

British Airways closes deal for bmi with Lufthansa

British Airways owner International Airlines Group (IAG) has agreed to purchase British Midland Limited (bmi) from Lufthansa for £172.5 million.

bmi consists of three distinct business units – bmi mainline, bmi regional and bmibaby – all of which are presently included in the deal.

However, Lufthansa has retained the option to sell bmi regional and bmibaby before completion, leading to a price reduction for IAG.

IAG will pay cash for the loss-making carrier.

Under the terms of the deal, IAG will see its valuable Heathrow presence increase by up to 56 additional daily slots.

Willie Walsh, IAG chief executive, said: “Buying bmi’s mainline business gives IAG a unique opportunity to grow at Heathrow, one of our key hub airports.

“Using the slot portfolio more efficiently provides the option to launch new long-haul routes to key trading nations while supporting our broad domestic and short-haul network.”

IAG intends to finance the purchase from its own funds.

Some £60 million of the purchase price will be paid in four installments to Lufthansa pre-completion.

This amount will be secured by Heathrow slots.

“Given the scale of bmi’s losses, there is an urgent need to restructure the business,” continued Walsh.

“Unfortunately, this will mean some job losses but we will secure a significant number of high quality jobs here in the UK and create similar new jobs in the future.”

It is hoped the transaction will be completed during the first three months of 2012, but is subject to regulatory clearance from the European Commission and other bodies.

Lufthansa is considered Europe’s Leading Airline by the prestigious World Travel Awards.

American Airlines expands its global network

AMERICA-American Airlines grew its global network throughout 2011, adding more than 30 new destinations through strategic relationships with leading airlines around the globe.

By focusing on intensifying codeshare relationships and loyalty program partnerships, including the ability for customers to enjoy reciprocal benefits when traveling to more than 1,050 new destinations, American now offers more travel choices and greater benefits to customers traveling worldwide on its partner airlines.

Earlier this year, American signed its joint business with Japan Airlines, further strengthening American's presence in Asia. Additional alliance agreements were announced as the year progressed, including formal government approval of its joint business with Qantas last fall - broadening American's connectivity throughout North America, China, Europe, the Middle East, South America and the South Pacific, providing greater benefits for customers around the globe.

American partners with various airlines around the world in the following ways:

oneworld® alliance

The oneworld alliance continues to grow with members elect airberlin, Kingfisher Airlines and Malaysia Airlines. These additional airlines offer customers the oneworld experience to more cities than ever throughout Europe, India and Southeast Asia.

American's four joint business partners, British Airways/Iberia Airlines, Japan Airlines and Qantas, provide customers more flight options, better connectivity and more competitive fare options.

As a result of the trans-Atlantic agreement, customers can earn and redeem AAdvantage® miles on all British Airways routes and can earn 100 percent of base miles flown on any British Airways flight or any Iberia flight between the U.S., Puerto Rico, Mexico and Spain.
Because of the trans-Atlantic and trans-Pacific agreements, customers can now book travel in the Premium Economy cabin on flights to London with British Airways and flights to Tokyo with Japan Airlines.

Codeshare Agreements

Codeshare agreements with nearly 30 airlines provide customers more flight options and better connectivity to more destinations globally, including more flights between key business markets like Chicago - Hong Kong with oneworld partner, Cathay Pacific, and Dallas/Fort Worth-Sydney with oneworld partner, Qantas. As another added benefit, AAdvantage members can earn miles on all flights coded with an American flight number as well as select flights with the code of other airlines.

Some key codeshare destinations added this year include:

Select cities in Canada through the agreement with WestJet Airlines

Fiji, located in the South Pacific through the agreement with Air Pacific

Additional cities in China through the agreement, awaiting government approval, with Hainan Airlines

Paris Orly through the new codeshare agreement with OpenSkies, a premium subsidiary of British Airways offering an all premium service between Newark and Paris

Frequent Flyer Agreements

American has frequent flyer agreements with more than 25 airlines allowing customers to earn and redeem miles when traveling to hundreds of destinations around the globe.
Elite recognition benefits are now available to AAdvantage elite members when flying on Alaska Airlines.

With the recent added strength of oneworld, after gaining antitrust immunity across the Atlantic and Pacific in 2010, American is in excellent position to leverage its assets for domestic and international business. The oneworld alliance has the most premium seats in the four largest premium travel airports in the world (London Heathrow, New York JFK, Los Angeles, and Hong Kong), and American and its partners have uniquely positioned hubs at five of the top eight largest premium travel markets (New York JFK, London Heathrow, Los Angeles, Tokyo Narita, and Hong Kong).

"By strengthening and broadening our presence worldwide, American and oneworld are better positioned than ever to deliver enhanced benefits to our customers," said Kenji Hashimoto, American's Vice President – Strategic Alliances. "American will continue to build upon its success with alliance partners to deliver the premier alliance network worldwide."

American strengthened its network in 2011 through its cornerstone strategy by reallocating capacity to hubs in Chicago, Dallas/Fort Worth, Miami, New York and Los Angeles. These five cities serve as the cornerstones of American's U.S. network and improve the ability to connect passengers globally via its own flights and those of alliance partners.

American plans to strengthen its alliances in 2012 to continue to deliver unparalled benefits to customers across the globe.

Indonesia’s airline sector prepared to soar in 2012

INDONESIA-Indonesia’s airline sector got off to a rough start earlier this year as higher fuel prices reduced profitability, but the sector is prepared to soar in 2012 as new operators and strong economic growth boost traffic.

In February, jet fuel climbed to $118.05 per barrel, its most expensive since September 2008. The higher cost weighed down airlines’ profitability and led them to apply fuel surcharges.

However, fuel prices started to stabilize nearing the end of the year. As Indonesia’s economy continues to expand at 6.5 percent as of the third quarter, the airline sector expects clear skies in the second half.

“2012 is still going to be a good year for the industry. Despite the lingering crisis in Europe, domestic and regional demand for air travel will remain high,” said Emirsyah Satar, chairman of the Indonesia Air Carriers Association (Inaca) and president director of national flag carrier Garuda Indonesia.

Total airline traffic is expected to increase 18 percent this year, from 53 million passengers in 2010, and should rise 18 percent in 2012, he said. In the January-October period, Indonesian airlines flew 55.98 million passengers.

Indonesia’s traffic growth projection is higher than the average for global airlines. The International Air Transport Association had forecast passenger demand this year to rise 5.9 percent to 2.833 billion passengers, and increasing 4.6 percent in 2012 as the euro zone crisis continues to weigh down the industry.

“The airline sector in Indonesia is expected to grow at a rate two times the economic growth, but strong consumer purchasing power, higher demand for airline travel and the recent investment grade [decision] will boost the industry’s growth by 18 percent next year. The investment grade rating will make it easier for airlines to source cheap financing for their expansion,” Emirsyah said.

Garuda, which reported that its 11-month profit had more than doubled, is expanding its fleet to 105 aircraft in 2012 from 88 airplanes now. It is also targeting increased domestic routes and international destinations.

In the January-November period, Garuda carried 15.45 million passengers, which was up 36 percent from a year earlier.

The industry reached a high point in November, when Lion Mentari Airlines made international headlines with the announcement of the purchase of 230 Boeing 737 aircraft valued at $21.7 billion.

The record deal will boost its fleet to more than 400 airplanes by 2017.

Lion Air president director Rusdi Kirana said last month that the purchase was meant to anticipate airline growth in the Asia-Pacific region during the next five to 10 years. The company expects to fly 27 million passengers this year, up from 20.5 million passengers last year, he said.

“With the start of the Asean ‘open-sky’ policy in 2015, I think Lion has the capacity to at least control 30 percent of the market in the Asean region,’’ Rusdi said.

Next year, Pacific Royale Airways Indonesia and Lion Air’s Space Jet will start operations and become full-service airlines, which means providing seats from economy to first class.

Sriwijaya Air will upgrade its aircraft to accommodate business-class seats.

Mandala Air, which stopped flying in January because of its mounting debt, is ready to take to the skies again after Saratoga Capital and Singapore’s Tiger Airways took control of the company in September.

Indonesia AirAsia is set to launch its $200 million initial public offering some time next year, after its counterpart in Thailand holds its IPO.

Still, insufficient air traffic management and infrastructure could potentially hinder the industry’s growth.

Soekarno-Hatta International Airport has exceeded its capacity in the last five years. When it started operating in 1985, it was designed to accommodate 22 million passengers annually. Last year it served 44 million passengers, and it is expected to accommodate 54 million by 2015 and 66 million by 2020.

“We are aware of the problem and we are expanding, but we’re still looking for the financing,” said Tri Sunoko, president director of state-owned airport operator Angkasa Pura II.

It plans to revamp and expand the airport as soon as next year with investment of about Rp 11.7 trillion ($1.3 billion). Its capacity should rise to 62 million by 2014.

Tony Tyler, president director of IATA, said during his visit to Indonesia in September that the country could be the sixth-fastest growing market for international passengers.

In 2014, Indonesia will rank as the ninth-largest domestic market and among the top 10 for international freight, he said.

Safety remains a major issue for Indonesia. Merpati Airlines suffered a fatal crash in West Papua in May that left 25 people died.

According to the IATA’s safety audit, Garuda is the only Indonesian carrier on its list of 372 international airlines.

VietJet Air plans to serve 700,000 passengers

VIETNAM-The Vietnamese low-cost private carrier of VietJet Air is aiming to serve 700,000 passengers in 2012 after it has drawn up an ambitious plan to increase its air routes and aircraft.

The carrier planned to start its first commercial flight on the morning of December 25th and will serve 2 flights per day on the air route between Hanoi and Ho Chi Minh City.

The frequency of flights will take off during the traditional New Year Festival, said Lu Duc Khanh, the Executive Director of the carrier said on December 24th.

Meanwhile, the carrier’s Deputy-Director Pritam Singh said that it uses 2 Airbus A320 at present and it will receive the third aircraft right at the beginning of 2012.

“VietJet Air will probably have 4 more planes in 2012 and have 15 planes in total by 2015,” he added.

In addition to domestic air routes, the carrier also plans to open international ones with the destinations in Singapore, Malaysia and other regional nations in the second half of 2012.

Emirates set to launch new Rio service

Emirates is preparing to launch daily services to the 2014 FIFA World Cup host city from 3rd January 2012. The new direct service to Rio de Janeiro, with an onward extension to Buenos Aires, will provide seamless connections to Emirates’ network of more than 100 destinations worldwide.

Starting 3rd January 2012, EK 247 will leave Dubai daily at 0705hrs and arrive at Rio’s Antônio Carlos Jobim International Airport at 1537hrs. It will depart Rio at 1723hrs, arriving at Buenos Aires Ministro Pistarini International Airport (Ezeiza) at 1930hrs.

From Buenos Aires, EK 248 departs at 2130hrs, arriving in Rio at 0120hrs the next day. The aircraft will depart Rio at 0310hours, arriving in Dubai at 2250hrs.“As Emirates’ second Brazilian gateway, our new Rio de Janeiro service will add extra impetus to the vibrant Brazilian economy, boosting tourism and underpinning the city’s status as a leading hub for business and trade, particularly within the oil and gas industries,” said Thierry Antinori, Executive Vice President –Passenger Sales Worldwide.

“Emirates anticipates strong demand for both leisure and business travel to Rio de Janeiro, especially as Brazil will host a series of world-class events over the next few years, including the 2013 Confederations Cup, the 2014 FIFA World Cup and the 2016 Olympic Games, added Mr Antinori. “As a Partner of the 2014 World Cup, Emirates is proud that we have a role to play in making the tournament a success, and we look forward to bringing football fans from across our global network to this unmissable event.”

“This new Emirates flight is a big win for Rio de Janeiro as it will feed global traffic into the city, boosting tourism and creating new opportunities for trade between this market and numerous emerging economies,” said Mr. Rodrigo Solano, Manager of Markets and Business, Arab Brazilian Chamber of Commerce.

Rio de Janeiro, also known as the ‘Marvellous City,’ is renowned for its spectacular natural setting. The city, which is home to Sugar Loaf Mountain, Copacabana and Ipanema beaches as well as the famous Maracana Football Stadium, receives more visitors than any other city in South America, welcoming an estimated 2.8 million international tourists each year.

Emirates’ Rio de Janeiro flight will be a linked service with Buenos Aires, meaning that customers in South America can now travel between the two cities in unprecedented style and comfort. The new service will be operated by a Boeing 777-300ER aircraft, arranged in a three-class configuration, offering eight First Class Private Suites, 42 lie-flat beds in Business Class, and a spacious cabin in Economy Class with 304 seats.

Throughout all classes, passengers can enjoy the latest version of Emirates’ multi award-winning ice entertainment system, which offers over 1,200 channels of movies, TV shows and music, including Portuguese language versions and Brazilian and Latin American music.

One of the world’s fastest-growing airlines, Emirates has a fleet of 162 aircraft and is now the world’s largest Airbus A380 and Boeing 777 operator. Emirates picked up four www.worldtravelawards.com earlier this year including Middle East’s Leading Airline Economy Class.

With an order for 50 new Boeing 777-300ER aircraft placed at the Dubai Airshow earlier this month, Emirates now has 243 aircraft on order, worth over US$84 billion at list prices.

Rio de Janeiro and Buenos Aires will be the second and third points to be added to Emirates’ South American network. Emirates has been flying to Brazil since 2007, when it launched its Sao Paulo route. The airline now operates daily services to the city.

American Airlines expands global network in 2011

AMERICA-American Airlines grew its global network throughout 2011, adding more than 30 new destinations through strategic relationships with leading airlines around the globe. By focusing on intensifying codeshare relationships and loyalty program partnerships, including the ability for customers to enjoy reciprocal benefits when traveling to more than 1,050 new destinations, American now offers more travel choices and greater benefits to customers traveling worldwide on its partner airlines.

Earlier this year, American signed its joint business with Japan Airlines, further strengthening American’s presence in Asia. Additional alliance agreements were announced as the year progressed, including formal government approval of its joint business with Qantas last fall - broadening American’s connectivity throughout North America, China, Europe, the Middle East, South America and the South Pacific, providing greater benefits for customers around the globe.

American partners with various airlines around the world in the following ways:

oneworld® alliance

•The oneworld alliance continues to grow with members elect airberlin, Kingfisher Airlines and Malaysia Airlines. These additional airlines offer customers the oneworld experience to more cities than ever throughout Europe, India and Southeast Asia.

•American’s four joint business partners, British Airways/Iberia Airlines, Japan Airlines and Qantas, provide customers more flight options, better connectivity and more competitive fare options.

•As a result of the trans-Atlantic agreement, customers can earn and redeem AAdvantage® miles on all British Airways routes and can earn 100 percent of base miles flown on any British Airways flight or any Iberia flight between the U.S., Puerto Rico, Mexico and Spain.

•Because of the trans-Atlantic and trans-Pacific agreements, customers can now book travel in the Premium Economy cabin on flights to London with British Airways and flights to Tokyo with Japan Airlines.

Codeshare Agreements

•Codeshare agreements with nearly 30 airlines provide customers more flight options and better connectivity to more destinations globally, including more flights between key business markets like Chicago - Hong Kong with oneworld partner, Cathay Pacific, and Dallas/Fort Worth-Sydney with oneworld partner, Qantas. As another added benefit, AAdvantage members can earn miles on all flights coded with an American flight number as well as select flights with the code of other airlines. •Some key codeshare destinations added this year include: •Select cities in Canada through the agreement with WestJet Airlines
•Fiji, located in the South Pacific through the agreement with Air Pacific
•Additional cities in China through the agreement, awaiting government approval, with Hainan Airlines
•Paris Orly through the new codeshare agreement with OpenSkies, a premium subsidiary of British Airways offering an all premium service between Newark and Paris

Frequent Flyer Agreements
•American has frequent flyer agreements with more than 25 airlines allowing customers to earn and redeem miles when traveling to hundreds of destinations around the globe. •Elite recognition benefits are now available to AAdvantage elite members when flying on Alaska Airlines.

With the recent added strength of oneworld, after gaining antitrust immunity across the Atlantic and Pacific in 2010, American is in excellent position to leverage its assets for domestic and international business. The oneworld alliance has the most premium seats in the four largest premium travel airports in the world (London Heathrow, New York JFK, Los Angeles, and Hong Kong), and American and its partners have uniquely positioned hubs at five of the top eight largest premium travel markets (New York JFK, London Heathrow, Los Angeles, Tokyo Narita, and Hong Kong).

“By strengthening and broadening our presence worldwide, American and oneworld are better positioned than ever to deliver enhanced benefits to our customers,” said Kenji Hashimoto, American’s Vice President – Strategic Alliances. “American will continue to build upon its success with alliance partners to deliver the premier alliance network worldwide.”

American strengthened its network in 2011 through its cornerstone strategy by reallocating capacity to hubs in Chicago, Dallas/Fort Worth, Miami, New York and Los Angeles. These five cities serve as the cornerstones of American’s U.S. network and improve the ability to connect passengers globally via its own flights and those of alliance partners.

American plans to strengthen its alliances in 2012 to continue to deliver unparalled benefits to customers across the globe.

American Airlines and Beijing-based Hainan Airlines announce codeshare

American Airlines and Beijing-based Hainan Airlines have signed an agreement to codeshare on each other’s flights and to offer their frequent flyer members new opportunities to earn and redeem miles/points.

The agreement, subject to government approval, will open many new markets that will complement American’s existing service to China.

Currently, American operates non-stop service in three markets: Chicago O’Hare-Beijing, Chicago O’Hare-Shanghai and Los Angeles-Shanghai.

From its cornerstone hubs at Chicago O’Hare and Los Angeles, American and American Eagle offer more than 450 and more than 150 daily departures, respectively.

Hou Wei, Hainan’s chief marketing Officer, said: “This agreement has the potential to make travelling between China and the United States – and beyond – considerably more attractive for our customers with improved connections and increased frequent flyer benefits.”

Hainan operates more than 2,800 weekly flights to cities throughout China as well as international destinations in Africa, Asia, Australia, Europe, the Middle East and North America.

From its Beijing hub, Hainan offers more than 400 weekly flights, including service to more than 40 Chinese cities.

It is the second major deal in as many weeks for the Beijing-based carrier, with Hainan Airlines having recently linked up with World’s Leading Airline Etihad Airways.

Cebu Pacific Air and CAE to establish new aviation training center in Philippines

PHILIPPINES-Cebu Pacific Air, the Philippines’ largest national flag carrier, and CAE, world leader in aviation training,  announced that they have signed a joint venture agreement to establish an aviation training center for airlines in the Asia Pacific region. The joint venture will also be responsible for type-rating training of CEB pilots.

The aviation academy is scheduled to start operations in the third quarter of 2012 in Clark Freeport Zone, northwest of the national capital of Manila, and represents an approximate US $40-50 million joint investment.

“We are proud to partner with CAE to support CEB’s growing fleet, expansion plans, and training requirements. This will also help make Asia Pacific’s vibrant aviation industry more appealing in the face of growing competition for well-trained aviation professionals,” said CEB President and CEO Lance Gokongwei. “Airbus’ Global Market Forecast predicts more than 34% (9,160) of total global airplane orders until 2030 will go to the Asia Pacific region, of which 5,770 of these will be single-aisle planes like the A320.”

“By partnering with CAE, CEB once again underscores its commitment to enhance the Philippines’ tourism and aviation potentials by producing world-class pilots and crew,” Gokongwei added.

Jeff Roberts, CAE’s Group President of Civil Simulation Products, Training and Services, said, “We are excited about this new relationship with CEB and the opportunity to help meet the increasing demand for high-quality pilots and other commercial aviation professionals in the Philippines and throughout the region. The new training center will be a world-class, one-stop training center for CEB and a hub for training services for other airlines.”

The joint venture will initially cater to Airbus A319/320/321 series pilot type-rating training requirements and will provide “wet” instructor-led type-rating training for Cebu Air’s current and new-hire pilots. Initial, recurrent, conversion and jet indoctrination training will be available to other Airbus operators.

The state-of-the-art training center will be developed in consultation with CAE’s training facilities design team. It will initially be equipped with two Airbus A320 FFSs with capability to expand by two additional simulators.

The aviation academy is expected to provide training for other aviation personnel in the future, such as cabin crew, dispatch, ground handling personnel and cadets.

New terminal in Da Nang airport

VIETNAM-The Da Nang International Airport in the central coastal city of Da Nang put a new terminal into service on December 25, after four years of construction.

The three-storey terminal was built at a cost of over VND1.3 trillion to meet standards of the International Aviation Transport Association. It is capable of serving 4-6 million passengers per year.

The Da Nang International Airport has the third largest number of passengers in Vietnam. It is seen as an important transport hub in the central region, serving socio-economic development in the central and central highlands region.

Each year, the airport, 2 kilometres from the central city, receives 11,400 flights carrying some 3 million people.

Thai Airways announces amendment to retrofitted schedule on London to Bangkok route THAILAND-Thai Airways regret that due to unforeseen events, its new retrofitted aircraft with individual Economy Class entertainment consoles will not be able to operate on a daily basis over the next month. However the retrofitted plane will be operational on the following dates. TG911 on Dec 18, 24 and 30 2011 and Jan 1-15 2012TG917 on Dec 22, 28 and 31 2011 and Jan 1-15 2012 On days not mentioned above, a B747 without individual TV entertainment consoles in Economy Class will be used. From Jan 16, 2012, A340-600 aircraft will operate the service which will provide all Economy passengers with individual In-Flight Entertainment. The basic difference between the A340-600 and the B747 is in the seat capacity which can be summarised as follows: B747: Royal First Class 10 lie-Flat seats / Business Class 14 Seats / Eco class 325 seats A340-600: Royal First Class eight flatbed seats / Business Class 60 Seats / Eco Class 199 seats

THAILAND-Thai Airways regret that due to unforeseen events, its new retrofitted aircraft with individual Economy Class entertainment consoles will not be able to operate on a daily basis over the next month.  However the retrofitted plane will be operational on the following dates.

TG911 on Dec 18, 24 and 30 2011 and Jan 1-15 2012TG917 on Dec 22, 28 and 31 2011 and Jan 1-15 2012

On days not mentioned above, a B747 without individual TV entertainment consoles in Economy Class will be used.  From Jan 16, 2012, A340-600 aircraft will operate the service which will provide all Economy passengers with individual In-Flight Entertainment.

The basic difference between the A340-600 and the B747 is in the seat capacity which can be summarised as follows:

B747:  Royal First Class 10 lie-Flat seats / Business Class 14 Seats / Eco class 325 seats
A340-600: Royal First Class eight flatbed seats / Business Class 60 Seats / Eco Class 199 seats

First VietJet Air flights take off

VIETNAM-The launch of VietJet Air, the country's first private carrier to offer both domestic and international flights, is expected to help attract more international visitors, says Minister of Culture, Sports and Tourism Hoang Tuan Anh.

Anh delivered this statement during the ceremony to welcome the carrier's first commercial flight, which carried 120 passengers from Ho Chi Minh City to Hanoi on December 24.

The addition of VietJet Air to the market will help meet the goal of greeting 10 million foreign visitors per year by 2015, he noted, adding that about 88% of international tourists currently arrive in Vietnam by air, compared to just 10% by sea and only 2% by land.

'As of today, VietJet Air officially operates round-trip flights on the Ho Chi Minh City - Hanoi route,' said the airline's general director Pritam Singh. 'In the short term, we will consider increasing the number of flights on the route to better meet the rising demand of passengers during the Tet (Lunar New Year) holiday.'

The launch of Hanoi - Da Nang and Ho Chi Minh City - Da Nang services was also slated for the first quarter of next year.

The airline planned to increase its fleet by three to five aircrafts annually to a fleet of 15 aircraft by early 2015, allowing the airline to fly to other destinations domestically and in the Asian region, including Macau, Singapore, China, Hong Kong, Japan and the Republic of Korea.

VietJet Air is the fifth airline to operate in the domestic market, following Vietnam Airlines, Jetstar Pacific, Air Mekong and the Vietnam Air Services Co (Vasco). It was the first private airline to obtain a licence, although Indochina Airlines and Air Mekong, licensed in 2008 and 2009, were able to establish flights earlier.

New appointment for Delta Air Lines

Delta Air Lines has named Steve Sear senior vice president – global sales to recognize his outstanding contributions at the airline. Sear’s previous title was vice president – global sales.

Under Sear’s leadership the Delta sales organization has become one of the biggest contributors to the airline’s strong financial performance. Delta for the first time this year was named Business Travel News’ best airline in an annual survey of corporate travel professionals, reflecting the excellence in customer service the corporate sales team achieved under Sear’s tenure. Delta’s sales efforts also have been lauded by Recommend magazine this year.

Sear guided the group through the merger with Northwest Airlines and the subsequent integration of the Air France-KLM and Alitalia Joint Venture sales teams and customer contracting.

“This promotion reflects the impressive progress our entire sales group has made under Steve’s guidance and vision,” said Ed Bastian, Delta’s president. “His experience will help us continue to make Delta the strongly preferred airline for corporate travel and agency partners.”

In his current role, Sear oversees the airline’s worldwide sales programs and relationships with corporate customers and travel management companies. He also oversees MLT Vacations, a wholly-owned subsidiary of Delta. To further coordinate our Latin America activities, reservations sales and North American sales team, Sear also will expand his scope to include customer care, reservation sales and our fast-growing Latin America region.

Sear was vice president of sales and customer care at Northwest Airlines from 2005 to 2008. Before that he was named managing director of reservations in 2003, director of sales development in 1999, a Japan-based director of revenue for Northwest in 1995, manager of pricing in 1993 and joined the airline in 1992 as a pricing analyst.

Sear serves on the Business Travel News Editorial Board and is on the board of directors for Children’s Cancer Research Fund. Additionally, Sear is actively engaged in a number of business organizations, including Global Business Travel Association and Association of Corporate Travel Executives.

Singapore Airlines makes capacity adjustments

SINGAPORE-Singapore Airlines will be adjusting frequencies to selected routes across its network from March 25, 2012 to October 27, 2012.

Flight additions will be made for services to parts of Australia, India, Maldives and South Korea.

In Australia, Adelaide services will increase from seven to 10 times per week. Brisbane and Perth will both be served 21 times per week, up from 19 and 18 times respectively in the last schedule.

For Seoul, an additional service will be introduced, increasing the frequency to four flights per day. This includes one flight that will continue from Seoul to San Francisco.

As for West Asia, Mumbai services will increase from 17 to 19 per week. Flights to Male, the capital of Maldives, will increase to 14 flights per as opposed to the previous 10 flights per week. The route will be served twice daily, with a total of seven daytime flights and seven nighttime flights per week.

Aside from beefing up frequencies, Singapore Airlines is also making reductions in select markets.

The Singapore – Moscow – Houston service will be reduced to a five times weekly service from a daily one, while the Singapore – Munich – Manchester service will be reduced to a six times weekly one. Flights to Taipei from Singapore will be down from 18 to 14 flights per week. For Middle East, Abu Dhabi will be served three times a week, down from seven.

The changes are being introduced to meet forecasted demand said the airline.

Air China to open Kathmandu-Chengdu rotations on January 5

CHINA-Starting January 5, Air China's southwest offshoot will open rotations from Chengdu to Kathmandu, the capital of Nepal, also known as the "City of Temples", giving culture enthusiasts an additional travel option.
The introduction of the new services will bring the number of foreign destinations served by Air China's flights to and from Chengdu up to six and further cement the city's position as a regional hub of the carrier.

The two weekly flights, CA437 / 8, will be operated with A319 aircraft. The new services will spare the passengers the trouble of having to transfer in Lhasa, thusly cutting the travel time of one journey from 4 hours to 2 hours. Meanwhile, the new services will also optimize Air China's Chengdu-based international route network.

Kathmandu has always been a draw for both domestic and international tourists. With Chengdu's unique position in the travel market of southwest China, it is expected that leisure travelers will be the bulk of the passenger traffic on the route.

Air China steps up international presence

CHINA-Air China will resume Shanghai-Paris rotations CA833/4 and change the Shanghai-Beijing-Paris service CA933/4 to Beijing-Paris direct service.

B777-300ER widebodies will be used on these routes to replace the original A340.

Air China’s Paris office recently invited nearly two hundred guests from the government as well as sectors of civil aviation, industry, commerce and travel, including French minister for transport Thierry Mariani and Chinese ambassador in Paris Kong Quan and his wife to a grand gala which was intended to generate appropriate publicity for the resumption of the direct link between Shanghai and Paris and the change of aircraft type on the Beijing-Paris route.

Since joining the Star Alliance - the world’s largest airline network - in 2007, Air China has been cementing its foothold in the international market.

Its extensive route network places 1,160 destinations in 181 countries worldwide within easy reach.

What Air China has done with respect to the Beijing-Paris market is just one of the moves that the carrier is making to shore up its international presence.

In 2012, Air China will make further inroads into the overseas market. Take Europe as an example. The inauguration of links to Dusseldorf, Athens and Milan in 2011 will be followed by that of Beijing-Copenhagen rotations in 2012, which will bring Air China’s European destinations up to 13.

Currently, Air China is the largest carrier serving the China-Europe market.

Abu Dhabi International Airport continues to grow

UAE-Abu Dhabi International Airport welcomed over one million passengers in November 2011, breaking previous records.

The Abu Dhabi airport saw a 16 per cent surge in passenger traffic in November compared to the same month last year.

Cargo traffic was also on the rise, with over 42,000 tonnes of freight handled throughout the month, recording a seven per cent increase over the same period in 2010.

Commenting on the airport’s performance, Harib Al Hameli, vice president operations, Abu Dhabi International Airport, said: “Last November was one of the busiest months for Abu Dhabi International Airport, particularly with the many activities surrounding the F1 season taking place around the capital, along with the Hajj season, which drove passenger traffic to rise through the airport’s diverse network.

“We look forward to sustaining our dynamic growth, and to continue providing our passengers with award-winning customer service combined with high level of efficient and safe operations.”

Doha, London Heathrow, Bangkok, Manila and Manama were the top five routes for November, collectively claiming 20 per cent of the total passenger traffic for the month.

Earlier this month the Fast Travel credentials of the airport were recognised by the International Air Transport Association.

Qatar Airways outlines ambitious 2012 expansion plans

QATAR-Qatar Airways’ has outlined route expansion plans for 2012 focused on Australia, Africa, Europe and the Middle East, with a raft of new destinations set to join the airline’s rapidly-growing global network.

Highlights include Perth in Western Australia, the Finnish capital Helsinki, Croatia’s capital city of Zagreb, Gassim in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, and three East African cities – Zanzibar, Kigali and Mombasa, in Tanzania, Rwanda and Kenya, respectively.

Operating from the airline’s hub in Doha, capital of the State of Qatar, all seven new routes will be launched over the next few months.

They will join previously announced Baku and Tbilisi, the capital cities of Azerbaijan and Georgia, respectively, which will become part of Qatar Airways’ family of routes from February 1st 2012.

“We are continuing what we started back in 1997 when Qatar Airways was launched with new routes and new aircraft being introduced at an unprecedented rate to further strengthen what is truly a global network airline,” said Qatar Airways chief executive officer, Akbar Al Baker.

“Our mission has been to operate to key business and leisure destinations around the world, but also to underserved markets where others dare not venture into.

“We take bold decisions to serve certain markets because we believe it makes strong business sense.”

Qatar Airways was recognised as the Middle East’s Leading Airline Business Class by the World Travel Awards earlier this year.

The carrier will defend the title on home soil during the WTA Grand Final in Doha on January 11th.

Thai AirAsia flies to Nakhon Phanom

Thai AirAsia will introduce a new service to Nakhon Phanom from 15 February, a border town on the banks of the Mekong River.

Nok Air is the only airline serving the town from its Don Mueang Airport base using Boeing 737-400s with 168 seats and supplying 1,176 seats per sector, per week. The airline is currently using Suvarnabhumi Airport until Don Meuang reopens.

However, Thai AirAsia’s new daily service will operate permanently from Suvarnabhumi Airport and offer 1,260 seats weekly per sector.

The flight will depart from Suvarnabhumi Airport at 1320 and return from Nakhon Phanom at 1545. The flight time is one hour and 15 minutes.

Thai AirAsia CEO, Tassapon Bijleveld said: “…it will increase connectivity between routes with great tourism and investment potential. The Bangkok-Nakhon Phanom route will play a huge role in increasing connectivity between Thailand and Laos, in addition to the Third Thai-Lao Friendship Bridge between Nakhon Phanom and Khammouane.”

Booking are now available. Today’s promotional fares start from Bt1,380 roundtrip, all-in and regular fares are pegged at Bt2,566.5.

Nok Air is selling the same sector at Bt5,344 for flights in February. The carrier lowest promotional fare was Bt1,290 per sector, all-inclusive for booking until 26 December and travel through 24 March next year.

Meanwhile. Kuala Lumpur’s AirAsia will commence  a three weekly service to Surat Thani, a provincial gateway to Samui and Pha Ngan islands from 6 February. Besides Bangkok, AirAsia also flies to Phuket, Chiang Mai, Krabi and Hat Yai, all from the Malaysian capital.
Operating on Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday, the new flights will depart Kuala Lumpur at 1120 and return from Surat Thani at 1220. Flight time is one hour and 30 minutes.

Etihad Airways takes stake in airberlin

Etihad Airways has confirmed it will increase its stake in airberlin to 29.21 per cent, becoming the largest single shareholder in the carrier.

The strategic move, announced in Berlin by Etihad Airways chief executive James Hogan and airberlin chief Hartmut Mehdorn, connects the airlines’ extensive networks and frequent flyer programs to offer travellers 239 destinations across 77 countries.

Hartmut Mehdorn said: “The strategic partnership with Etihad Airways opens up enormous opportunities for the future of our company.

“This applies especially to future market development and the realisation of synergies.

One of the key components of the new partnership is the launch of airberlin services to Abu Dhabi, which will become our new gateway to Asia and Australia.

“The agreement with Etihad Airways will also dramatically improve the global connectivity of our customers in Germany, Switzerland, Austria, and throughout the GCC and Middle East,” added Mehdorn.

James Hogan said the deal was one of the most important in Etihad Airways’ history.

“This new partnership expands our network reach, gives us access to 33 million new passengers, and provides us with a real opportunity for global growth,” he enthused.

“Through airberlin, we gain immediate access to a broad and complementary European market, with outstanding connectivity options for customers of both airlines.

“Our partnership strategy has been integral to our success over the past eight years, and the returns we have seen from this strategy have confirmed its value.

“We are always looking for ways to grow and partnerships are a smart way to enhance our ability to compete on the world stage.”

Etihad Airways and the airberlin group carry a combined total of more than
40 million passengers a year, operate 233 aircraft, and employ 18,000 people.

Together, the companies generate more than US$9 billion in revenues.

Under the Partnership

airberlin will shift its Middle East operation from Dubai to Abu Dhabi and will operate four A330-200 flights a week between Berlin and Abu Dhabi from January 15th, 2012.

The airlines will implement an extensive codeshare agreement, with Etihad Airways code sharing on 36 of airberlin’s 171 destinations and airberlin code sharing on 24 of Etihad Airways’ 82 passenger destinations.

Etihad Airways will sign codeshare agreements with the airberlin group for all European activities including NIKI, the Austrian airline, and Belair, the Swiss airline.

The two companies will seek anti-trust immunity, which would allow greater coordination of route networks and of sales and marketing activities.

Etihad Airways’ minority stake will consist of 27.03 per cent from a new share issue by airberlin, funded from operational cash flow, and an existing interest of 2.99 per cent (pre-dilution), which will amount to a total interest of 29.21 per cent.

The new shares will be issued at a price of EUR 2.31.

Etihad Airways is considered the World’s Leading Airline by the prestigious World Travel Awards.